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Frequently Asked Questions

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Help Center Topics

What other advantages does the data center offer my retail business?

It’s like having your own IT department 24 x 7 x 365 to run and maintain your system. Except it’s cheaper! We help you focus on your business, while outsourcing your IT headaches to us. We run, maintain, and support your IT infrastructure at our state of the art data centers.

How often are upgrades available?

All upgrades are available seamlessly installed on our servers and immediately available to our clients. The frequency of upgrades depends directly on our clients. The more changes you request, the more often we issue new versions of our program.

What does number of users mean?

The number of users refers to the number of connections using Runit Real Time at the same time. It does not refer to the number of workstations or employees that can use the program. You can have any number of workstations or employees as you need.

What type of savings can I expect by using Real Time?

You will likely save approximately 50% of the cost of a similar in-house system over a 3-to-5-year period. You no longer have to keep a full IT staff on the payroll to cover maintenance and support. This approach has helped many customers accomplish substantial savings on their IT budgets.

How is Runit Real Time priced?

Our Real Time solution is based on a low monthly subscription price per user so you have predictable technology costs that are easy to budget. Our pricing structure allows your company to “pay as you grow” and avoid the large capital expenses of setting up a system that you may outgrow before you know it. […]

Why would I be compelled to use Runit Real Time?

Easy question! To rid yourself of your IT headaches; to keep from having to do the next upgrade that you are facing in the near future; to focus on retailing and not have to worry about figuring out where technology is headed (we do that for you); to save 50% over the next two to […]

What is Runit RealTime?

RunIt RealTime is an easy to use powerful retail software suite – instantly delivered and smoothly supported over the Internet. The Run…It Real Time allows retail businesses gain all the benefits of advanced Retail Management / Point-of-Sale software without the prohibitive expense usually associated with these packages.