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Customer Management

Sharing customer information among all stores helps ensure that the shopper’s experience with each of your stores is consistently positive. With Runit, all of your stores customer records are always current, reflecting any changes instantly to their purchase history, gift certificates/gift cards, store credits and more. Customer can shop at any location in the city, state, or the country as if they were shopping in the one closest to home. Runit organizes your customers’ records so that at-a-glance, your staff knows which brands, styles, sizes, and colors are preferred by your shoppers.

Customer Management Details:

  • Detail purchase history by item, receipt and summary. View the history of each piece of merchandise a customer has purchased and each of their receipts.
  • Unlimited customer records including, name, phone number, address, email, ship-to address and comments.
  • Reprint or resend by e-mail any receipt from a customer’s history.
  • Customer records contain user-defined fields for classifying key personal non-merchandise details, such as birthdays, club or organization memberships, and business affiliations.
  • From any store quickly check the customer’s sales totals, payment history, on-account balance, frequent buyer’s club earnings, special order/layaway status, payment terms, interest, penalties, and any comments that have taken place.
  • Instantly view the customer’s credit limit and current balance for on-account customers.
  • Breakdown of the customer’s total purchases by department, brand, style, price point, and size.
  • Customer’s credit limits and account balances are always viewable and current.

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